namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Direktlänk till inlägg 2 november 2009

a slow day- went by quick

Av fredrik binette - 2 november 2009 21:33

hm.. today has just run by but it feels I havent done that much, spent the first part of the day working from home, making some flyers and updating buddha spa's site etc.
just many things that takes time in the end, had lunch and packed some orders mad to my yogashop and went to the post office to send them
then of to the yogastudio to teach a class at 3.30pm a small class, but I really like the none prime time classes wich are allways a small group.

I realize this term is just a few weeks more, then it is christmas break. and hopefully a holiday trip for me to India. I am looking for tickets and so but so expensive since I can basicly only travel when everybody alse can, and that is also the easiets period to get some one to take care om my angels.

I found a course that I might wanna take in april, but then I got an e-mail today that my yoga friend from Singapore will come and visit me around that same dates ha ha
it gonna be fun to have her here, hopefully she can do some guest teaching aswell. also see how she will react since quit different here from her side of the world.

she said she can stay in my place on her own the first 6days if I'm gone at the course, and she will still be here for 2 weeks after I return, but it feels unpolite to go away when she comes form so far away.
hm I will have to think about this some..

tomorrow it is early bird for me, going to open up the studio 6.40am since it is a KundaliniYoga class tomorrow at 07.00 then do some peperwork preparing papers for the account wich we were suppose to do earlier.

Mimmi is playng next to me in the couch, she wants to "bite" my finger..

tomorrow evening about 13 hours after wake up call I am teaching my 105minute Hatha/Sivananda class wich is an intermediate level class. wich basicly mean you got to have some experience, it is not that much more advanced, but a bit tougher.
long day tomorrow so time soon to go to bed..


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Av fredrik binette - 30 november 2010 23:46

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