namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Direktlänk till inlägg 7 november 2009

slowly but surely

Av fredrik binette - 7 november 2009 20:25

tired, a long day and a short night..
last night I couldn'tfall a sleep, got stuck by the computer and thoughts. so when waking up today at 09.00 I had only slept 5,5h wich is far to little for me..

I went to buddha spa and tought a Hatha/Sivananda 105min class, then between 12-15 was my shift at buddha spa.
at 2pm there came to handycrafts men to help us with a small thing we have wanted to do, so they swithced and moved 2 of our dimmers, so now fading etc in the yogastudio will be easier.
also we decided to but som spotlights in the shop since it can be a bit ark there, it felt strange but I think mainly because we are so un-used to it.
it became better for sure just feeling a bit brihgt at first.


so now we wont do to much more for a while again, we are slowly but surely trying to make our small oasis better, and it feels like it is going in the rigt direction all the time, but also need toime for new things to "melt in" for our visitors, so now after some new shelves, some new intersting products, some more light it is time to just be again I think.
also soon is christmas time and we will probably have closed for 2-3 weeks, some yogaclasses perhaps and so, but not generally open during this period.
gonnasend out an e-mail to our yoga teachers & therapuets to see what they want to do during holiday and also what their plans/wishes are for upcomming term.

it feels so lovely & rewarding to upgrade our place for everyone that finds us to apprichiate [or at least that is what we hope, we do things WE would like if we came somewhere like our place]

AUM Shanti


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