namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Alla inlägg den 26 januari 2010

Av fredrik binette - 26 januari 2010 12:01

my yogic journey started about 10-11 years I think with trying "poweryoga" at the trendy gym I was some kind of manager for.
I think for me at that time I was to a point interested in alternative things but I was not inte new age stuff and thought as so many others that they were hippies [wich I thought was cool in a way]..
I had some minor problems with my lower back due to tight hip flexors and gluteus [ass muscles] from both my youth playing a lot of soccer, but mainly from teaching spinning classes and using clips on the pedals pulling the leg up, and of course not to much stretching..

I dont remember exactly what I felt after the first yoga class but I am sure I liked it since I am now where I am.
Even poweryoga was something mysterious at that time for all people and I think for me mostly in the beginning it was a challenge and it felt very good being a bit more flexible, I do remember how it so clearly was a love/hate thing to do yoga ha ha.
..but quit soon when starting to find the yogic breath or in this case a form of ujjay breath I started to long more after theese classes.
Ulrica who was my teacher and collegue at this place encouraged me also and I think I asked her quit some amount of questions ha ha.

I had som really cool experiences, I remember especially when during one asana sudenly something "popped" in my lower back, like when you twist sometimes and your "spine make noices".. I felt a great warm sensation in my whole lower back, and I felt like my energy drained, but in such a nice way. probably something that was stuck deep inside "unlocked" and as a counter effect some tensions released etc.
I rested for a while in childspose [wich was more like a hare pose with arms forward] and felt strange in a lovely way.
at this point in my yoga journey I had became quit strong and did jumps from forward bend to plank and down to chaturanga...
but now I couldn't even come up to a easy cat pose or for sure not to a as we called it down dog without arms shaking and body felt super heavy [but soft].
after some tries and a lot of resting I decided to leave the class, I couldn't continue. afterwards I stayed to let the teacher know what has happend so she didn't think I left in a rude way.

so to develope my own knowledge I took a short 3 day course at a gym, they call it teacher training but really.. hm..
anyway after this course since that period mostly girls did yoga, and there were not to many male teachers out there I started to get offers about maybe teaching? and poweryoga was strongly on a forward march then!
I didn't do my course to teach and I didn't at all feel ready to teach even with my earlier teaching experiences and the amount of yoga practice I had.
I decided finally to go a bit longer course with Ulrica, she was if not the one at least one of the first bringing this type of yoga to Sweden.
I think also since having her as my teacher from the start I felt like I needed to go there if I am gonna teach since the other course was sadly not near in quality [but still I learned some for my personal yoga practice].


a while after doing this course I startet to teach som class at a gym/fitness place, I think this was about 2002/3 and later on I did the second step in her teacher course in 2004 also.
already at this point I realized I had a good base of knowledge and experience. ans also I started to get more inquiries about teaching poweryoga. I had this as my hobby and slowly built up my experience in teaching but at the same time worked and studied as anyone else : )

along the way I had more classes and also startet to teach at companies and some private group etc, and from there startet slowly to cut back some at working and having yoga as a semi income, that felt really exciting,
also during this period [I guess I was quit lost into the world of yoga already then ha ha] I started my yoga web shop "" wich started with selling some PVC sticky yogamats. this was already in 2003/2004 so I was probably one of the first selling yogamats etc,
and mine where really good already then ha ha.
actually one of my early prime years when more studios and gyms started to have poweryoga I sold about 800 yogamats in one year ha ha.
now with all competition around and the fact yoga is so trendy I am not even close to that amount, but I run my shop mainly because I LOVE it, not to much profit really.

anyway, Ulrica is still a main yoga figure of course here in Sweden, and she has a beautiful studio here in Stockholm aswell, it is a much bigger and "professional" studio then the small one we have : )
Even though I am not anymore in this style I feel that I have her to thank somehow that my ife is where it is right now, it all has to start somewhere..
"Om Yoga" her studio is called if any one is interested.

on this yogic journey of mine I did find myself being a bit different form my fellow collegues teaching, something made me have a slightly other approach, and as you might or might not know I ended up changing yogastyle totally about 3 years ago.. but already before that gliding towards this without really knowing or understanding it since I didn't really know much about "the other school", the more classical form of yoga..

I will write about that soon I think..

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