namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Direktlänk till inlägg 18 januari 2010

6: days in a Yoga Ashram

Av fredrik binette - 18 januari 2010 20:14

only after one day I started to skip using my sandals at the ashram,
I just loooove being barefoot! it can not be compared to India generally, because inside the gates of the ashram it is very clean..

I think about the 5th or 6th day at the asram I booked a appointment at the ayurvedic clinic for a abhyanga massage, this was actually my first. and it was an experience ha ha. there was this man who did the treatment since only men can give massage to a man here at the ashram.
he was short in his sentenses and almost like ordered me what to do, I felt a bit dumb actually at first..
you strip out of all your clothes, then you get like an cotton cloth jockstrap wich has only a string in the back. then you have to lie down on this bench witch felt like to many others have been lying naked on and glided around ha ha, need to say also that in the spartanic enviorment not everyone are super hygenic & clean either..
then he drenches you in oil and gives you this full body massage,
it was quit nice actually, but I had expected something more "harder",
this was kind of mild and more stroking style.
I really enjoyed the steaming he did towards the end and the highlight of the whole thing was actually the hot "bath/shower" you are allowed to take afterwards ha ha

I am not sure though but after this massage I got some reaction, but also at the same time I got a bad stomach, so I am not sure wich was what..
but it felt like I started a real detoxification of my physical body,
one class suddenly it literally poured sweat out from ever part of my body, from each and ever cell it felt like, interesting! I asked some others if tody was extra hot or something during class, but now one had noticed that so..
also since then during the rest of my holiday AFTER the ashmram experience I had a bad stomach now & then, wich I have never had before travelling around south east asia.


I have forgotten to write anything about karma yoga,
everyday if you are new or your duty is done at 11.00 am you meet up in front of the boutique, there came one of the 3 head teachers [Satyam I think he was called] everyday to hand out KarmaYoga to everyone, karma yoga is selfless work you can say, it is when you do a job or help someone with something without gaining anything for it personally, so it is suppose to be a kind of spiritual unselfless deed.
I was lucky I guess, I got to do my karma yoga in the ashram boutique, so I spent about one hour a day, folding pants, filling up the shelf with toiletpaper, cleaning som shelves, and unpacking products & walking to the store getting more yoga mats etc.
there was one lady there wich was the manager of the boutique, she was from Israel and everyone there knew she was kind of though & strict.
maybe when being in this kind of enviorment with new people all the time and new karma yogis chinging quit often so you have to teach them things needs a person like her? but I personally [and she liked me since the others told her I was one of the best karma yogis they have had there for a long time ha ha] thought it was a bit to much, not to humble really wich for me is more fitting in a place like this.. hm..


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