namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Alla inlägg den 20 april 2010

Av fredrik binette - 20 april 2010 08:57

I was checking something out yesterday on a search engine, and instead I found something else that I of course knew about but totally had forgotten and actually think I missed it [or at least I cant remember reading it] when it was "released" so it was great to suddenly find it now by accident.


the site "lifeportalen" is a forum on internet for I guess all kind of exercise & training.
Åsa Fornander was at the time the expert on group training forms [but it seams they have changed expert there?], and she contacted me about making a shorter interview with me. at first it was for another thing but then she liked it so much that she decided to put it on this bigger project site instead and just a smaller other version on the origin site it was for.
now it says "Yoga Profile - Fredrik Binette" he he, I dont really consider myself as an profile, but I am of course honored to have been asked to participate, and I am happy if it helps someone or inspires someone etc.

I am not to familiar with this site, but it looks like it has a lot of information and they say it actually has got quit many visitors and also members that actually log in with password on the site, nice!so anyway,

I was just happy to have found it, if anyone wanna read it you can click "here"

in swedish though...

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