namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Alla inlägg den 13 april 2010

Av fredrik binette - 13 april 2010 10:49

this last sunday I woke up one day older, but also one year older : )
age I am not to worried about, I rather enjoy not beeing a "teen ager" [wich was a long time ago ha ha]
but also I am not to much about celebrating my birthday, I dont know why, just dont have the need to get gifts, especially gifts that costs money that people could have used for other things they like or need.
now time to clean up some papers & bills and see what needs to be done.

and I am not sure why, but I feel a bit uncomfortable with greetings and so for something that I didn't really do ha ha
it should be gratulations really to the parents?

anyway, now a 36 year old man, beard and a bigger belly then ever ha ha, maybe I am preparing for the role of being santa claus one day?
of course this is mainly becaus the lack of own practice recently since I had issues with that collarbone thing, now the body is reacting though since I got it changed back, so I spent my sunday [birthday] on the floor mostly since I now got some strange muscle tension in the 5th rib.
but it is starting to loose up. I will do some light gentle practice today in the afteroon to see i I can help the progress without disturbing it.

also my yogini friend Kim has beenhere now for one week already, I can see her getting more confidence and she is gone most of the day walking around watching buidlings and taking some bus & boat tour to see our capitol.
today she is of to visit the Vasa ship museum.
and yesterday she was teaching my class in the studio, and will do that again tomorrow..

now it is time for me to go thru some papers & bills and see what needs to be organized ad done..

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