namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Alla inlägg den 16 maj 2010

Av fredrik binette - 16 maj 2010 13:47

I have to say that I have really enjoyed this weekend,

so since this weekend for many is a shorter holiday weekend thursd - sunday, I decided a while ago to do a YogaWeekend, just a basic one with more intense yogapractice. then I made some special features asweel to get it to be a bit more interesting and nice..

thursd: two 2h classes - included a short detox lecture and a detox helping breakfast and tea time

friday: tea time and one 2h yoga session

saturday: two 2h classes - included a short jala neti demonstration, a detox helping breakfast and tea time. after the last class we ended with a 20min yoganidra aswell

sunday: one last 2h yoga class and after a detoxhelping lassie/smoothie.


so basicly in 4 days I tought 12h yoga, including cleansing and balancing pranayama every class..
that is for most people quit intensive practice if you are used to go maybe 1 class a week etc normally.
if going 1 class a week for 90minutes this weekend was like doing 8 weeks of yoga  in 4 days : )

and many took the opportunity aswell with Annicas advice to eat a bit more detoxing diet to clean more toxins out of the body and actually in the end most of the participants also decided to do a detox-massage.
so it has been a very interesting weekend seeing everyones different reactions and hearing about how they have felt during these 4 days from energetic, "surprisingly fresh", so tired they neee to take a nap some day etc.


the group was super, a nice blend of people and all doing their thing, no competetive feeling all just there to see what it is like to intensify their yoga practice for a short period. and all very kind & open so it became a truly relaxed atmosphere.


I feel very satisfied with this weekend, and if I get possibilities I will try do do some more similar in the future,
and I hope also the yoga participants feel satisfied and that they got out form this longer weekend what they had hoped for.


after last class and some chatting during their "detox lassie" me and Annica went to eat greek pita gyros [vegitarian version] and then we actually went to see the new Robin Hood movie in the cinema.
movie was quit okey, a true hollywood version he he
now I am back home and reeeeeeally tired, so time to go to bed and sleep long after this quit intense weekend.

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