namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Alla inlägg under april 2010

Av fredrik binette - 20 april 2010 08:57

I was checking something out yesterday on a search engine, and instead I found something else that I of course knew about but totally had forgotten and actually think I missed it [or at least I cant remember reading it] when it was "released" so it was great to suddenly find it now by accident.


the site "lifeportalen" is a forum on internet for I guess all kind of exercise & training.
Åsa Fornander was at the time the expert on group training forms [but it seams they have changed expert there?], and she contacted me about making a shorter interview with me. at first it was for another thing but then she liked it so much that she decided to put it on this bigger project site instead and just a smaller other version on the origin site it was for.
now it says "Yoga Profile - Fredrik Binette" he he, I dont really consider myself as an profile, but I am of course honored to have been asked to participate, and I am happy if it helps someone or inspires someone etc.

I am not to familiar with this site, but it looks like it has a lot of information and they say it actually has got quit many visitors and also members that actually log in with password on the site, nice!so anyway,

I was just happy to have found it, if anyone wanna read it you can click "here"

in swedish though...

Av fredrik binette - 19 april 2010 10:09

today it is monday and really nice weather outside,
me I am feeling a bit mentally drained but at the same time happy and pleased.
it takes a lot of mental energy to teach longer workshops, wich you realize mostly in the evening and the day after, but never in a negative way [at least not for me yet ha ha]

so yesterday I was held this 7,5h full day workshop at a yogaplace in Norrtälje [kärleksudden]. it was 15 persons whom attended and they were all disciplined and focused during day. a quit nice and balanced group actually : )

so this workshop day included a longer morning practice, lunch with "living food" wich is actually even more strict and the knowledge of this way of making and eating food is used generally in the more famous concept of "raw food", if I understood it correctly.
I then led a 1h lecture about the foundations of yoga & modern yoga as it is today,
then a shorter technique part where I explained details of the surya namaskar and we then did sirsasana [headstand] and some variations of armbalance asanas. after a tea break I teached a second classic HathaYoga class with a longer final relaxation and short final mantra that we did together to nicely end the day together in spiritual way.

the day went by so fast, wich is usually a sign that it went quit good I hope.

on the way back home suddenly this short intensive rain & hailstorm like came from nowhere, so typical april weather here in Sweden. up & down all the time..
but we had the luck to have a really nice weather during the workshop so we could enjoy the view over the water from the big windows on this cape and that made it even more calm & nice.

today is "gaining back energy" day so quit relaxed, gonna take a walk in the sun and then I have a 90min yoga class to teach in the afteroon, usually a small group so that feels nice today.

AUM namah shivaya

Av fredrik binette - 17 april 2010 09:49

so yesterday [friday] Kim held her guest teacher class in Integral Yoga at the studio, it became a 2 hour class he he.
for me actually it was not the very first time, I tried once for 1,5 years ago I think, also that time with Kim in her old studio she had in Singapore.
It is quit similar to Sivananda style but at the same time different..
the sequens is almost turned in opposit way, end with the asanas I ususally start with etc. and also a standing consious realaxation after surya namaskar wich felt really interesting! the "extra" pranayama comes after final relaxation in Integral Yoga as for me when I teach it comes after opening relaxation : )

the founder of Integral Yoga is the late Swami Satchidananda,
he was a late disciple of Swami Sivananda [se below old picture of them both together]


the class felt nice, and for me it was good for my circulation.
the day before I went to adjust my ribs at the chiropractor [re-visit] and earlier today I got a nce back massage from Annika, so during Integral Yoga class I felt some things start to loosen up and actually a few "sounds" when joint looks loosend up : )

the class was quit full even if it ws a friday evening 18.00-20.00, so that was nice.
I am really happy that so many of my students have had a chance to at least attend one class with Kim since she has also tought some of my regular classes on the regular schedule, there is allways something we all do dofferently, and we have a slight other approach etc, even the tempo can be different etc.
I realize more that I am into the calmer versions even in this yoga tradition, I have more relaxation and a slight slower pace.
...on top of this of course super lovely for me to attend some of the classes I usually teach and get a chance to be inspired.

I know when I was a guest teacher in Laos [Vientienne yogastudio] I got inspired my self by teaching in new country with new students etc, so I think & hope also for Kim she gets something extra out of this.

so last class she teaches [if all airplanes start to fly again ha ha] will be at saturday at 10.00
she will also teach my intermediate [level 2] class tuesday evening.

AUM shanti, shanti, shantíi

Av fredrik binette - 15 april 2010 18:28

it is 6.30pm, sitting at home rather relaxed & tired in a nice way..
I am thinkin of taking a hot bath with my last herbal bath bag for sore bodies that I have at home, it is  taken from the shop in my studio.
it is filled with organic herbs that is good for the muscles and recovery that you just put in the bath.. I like them!


about 12 hours ago I had my morning class..
I slept for me ONLY 5-5,5h, then also of to the chiropractor to loosen up some more around this weird "looked" rib on my right side.
all this in mind and also the fact of walking 3 hours today of wich 1,5h was inside the Vasa ship museum, I feel that I am worthy of a hot herbal bath, and then just relax in front of TV I think : )
ha ha I am soo good to rewrd myself when probably I have a quit easy day compare to many people working to much.


also today we ate a lovely vegetarian yellow pea soup with mustard, it was spiced with time instead of mejram wich was really nice!
I like it a lot and it was a great finnish to the 3h walk/strole!

tomorrow I look forward to attend Kims guest teacher class where she will introduce us to "Integral Yoga"..

Av fredrik binette - 15 april 2010 11:01

today I had morning yoga class then an follow up appointment at the chiropractor. now I am sitting at the studio, we are about to go to the famous Vasa Ship museum today, that is gonna be interesting, loooong time ago since I have been there : ).
from the early days in primary school I guess..

it seams like Kim and "A" is heading into the light of wisdom ; )
here is 2 pictures from our relaxed walk yesterday, one of me & Kim and "the girls" on a small wooden bridge by the water, the other one is a pic I really liked because of the effect it had with light etc.



Av fredrik binette - 14 april 2010 20:39

today I had a really nice day actually.
woke up slowly around eight'ish, and KIm who as everyday was up already 05am... she had gone to the laundry place and did some of my laundry...!!
wow she is so "homy" and fixin, cleaning etc.
I have to just enjoy having someone in my flat ha ha
    soon time to enjoy a good night sleep, tomorrow early bird at 06.45 I have a yoga class to teach : )

then after a short breakfast and a shower we [me, Kim & the dogs] took the subway in to the yogastudio to leave some things then we went out for a nice 2 hour walk in the sunshine and some of it was along the nce calm water.
it was really nice!
and in the end of the walk "A" came to meet up after her booking of a spa massage treatment she had at the studio.

today I was wearing my new sneakers that I got on my birthday, for me they are kind of deep orange actually I would call them red, but others say orange. hm..
when I showed them to Kim she laughed and said that I must like having Swamiji Sneakers ha ha


after the walk we left the dogs, Kim left to go to interent & library.
me and "A" stroled away and had a vegetarian pita gyros [greek style] for lunch.. I just loooove them! including the garlic youghurt "tzatziki" of course!
then from 15.00 I had my shift at the studio, redoing some in our shop, packing more of our own detox tea blend and rolling some towells.
at 17.30 my 105min classic HathaYoga class started as usuall, but today Kim tought my class so I could join in for my own practice : )
and the class was fully booked, but 2 persons didn't show up, sadly since I said no to another girl that came to the studio to join...

now I/we are back at home, I am eating a noce "Saigon Mee" a noodle dish from my favourite local Malaysian Wok, and Kim is relaxing in the sofa since she is fasting today...

soon it is time for a lovely night sleep, tomorrow early bird at 06.45 I have a 90min yoga class to teach : )

Av fredrik binette - 13 april 2010 10:49

this last sunday I woke up one day older, but also one year older : )
age I am not to worried about, I rather enjoy not beeing a "teen ager" [wich was a long time ago ha ha]
but also I am not to much about celebrating my birthday, I dont know why, just dont have the need to get gifts, especially gifts that costs money that people could have used for other things they like or need.
now time to clean up some papers & bills and see what needs to be done.

and I am not sure why, but I feel a bit uncomfortable with greetings and so for something that I didn't really do ha ha
it should be gratulations really to the parents?

anyway, now a 36 year old man, beard and a bigger belly then ever ha ha, maybe I am preparing for the role of being santa claus one day?
of course this is mainly becaus the lack of own practice recently since I had issues with that collarbone thing, now the body is reacting though since I got it changed back, so I spent my sunday [birthday] on the floor mostly since I now got some strange muscle tension in the 5th rib.
but it is starting to loose up. I will do some light gentle practice today in the afteroon to see i I can help the progress without disturbing it.

also my yogini friend Kim has beenhere now for one week already, I can see her getting more confidence and she is gone most of the day walking around watching buidlings and taking some bus & boat tour to see our capitol.
today she is of to visit the Vasa ship museum.
and yesterday she was teaching my class in the studio, and will do that again tomorrow..

now it is time for me to go thru some papers & bills and see what needs to be organized ad done..

Av fredrik binette - 11 april 2010 07:55

friday 2 days ago I went to my old neighborhood Tyresö, where I was raised as a child. there I met Isak, my nephue for the first time [catastrophy I haven't met him until now and he is already 6 months].

he was a very qute thing ha ha
a bit "chubby" as all little ones are before they grow into their own body suit.

7kg's blond haired dude,
ready to take on the world I guess he he.

I went to see them [and my other brother & dad] since Isak with his mum & dad are moving to south of Sweden next week, so I have no idea when next time will be when I met this new talent...

anyway great to have finally met mr Isak : )


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