namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Alla inlägg den 23 mars 2010

Av fredrik binette - 23 mars 2010 22:42

now I am back at home and it is about 10pm [22.00].
had a quit long day it feels like, but a good feeling is running thru my body.
I am not sure what it is really, if it is some release since my shoulder is getting better, or that good effect of meeting the monk the other day or just hte fact that I dont have to many "musts" in the near future and can mentally realx a bit more?

I did a light own yoga practice today about noon, felt great.
then I arranged some stuff and also sold a bunch of mats to a woman running yoga courses in the posh suburbs.

then working at buddha spa 15-18, on tuesdays 16-17 we have the young group of kids yoga, 4-8 year olds he he, so full speed there that hour and parents & sibblings waiting in our small lounge during class, sitting there sipping tea, drinking organic juice and eating some "buddha spa nut & chick pea mix".

then I had a short break before I teach my late 19.15 class wich is an intermediate class.


when I entered the yogastudio they were all already very relaxed and focused in savasana, so I let them enjoy that feeling and silence and I just said a few words for them to get directions to collect their mind and so on.

today I had them do more or less the traditional Sivanada style class.
..after doing all the pranayama [abd breath, FYB, kapalabhati, anuloma viloma] we chanted 3 AUM together, and the vibration felt outstanding [to me anyway].. nice!

todays class felt really nice, one of those classes where you a bit extra enjoy teaching. their focus was deep and they didn't overdoe things and probably got deeper into the asanas instead as I try to explain to them, that when not wanting TO much they also have less resistans from all stiff explosive muscles and all the muscles contracting in a mood of defence. and with a calmer physical body they will more easily find their active breath and with a more controlled deep breath comes the mental calmness. and then the inner awarness gets more clear and they can adjust themsleves small details to challenge their body in a more hmble way instead of forcing the body. so more working with the physical body then trying to compete against it.

then after class and final relaxation we did as usual a shorter version of the final mantra together. and now a few have learned the mantra so it becomes a more powerfull and lovely feeling.
I am thinking of starting doing more chanting actually.
I just need to decide what, how much and on wich classes..
after class a few students bought some take away herbal tea from our small tea-bar, then I closed the studio.

so the class ended up in total of 2 hours almost, as usual on tuesday evenenings he he

now I'm sitting here sipping my herbal/spicy yogi apple/cinnamon milk tea again..
soon it is time for bed and a new hopefully eqaully good day..

AUM Shanti, shanti, shantíi

Av fredrik binette - 23 mars 2010 16:16

the word Onaka means stomach in japanese, this is also the name of a "filmjölk" brand [filmjölk is a swedish version of fermented cows milk with a consistency similar to youghurt].
this one also contains bifidus bacterias, wich are good intestine bacterias. they help you neutralize toxins and this bacteria also helps with other good things : )

when I came home from asia I had some "stomach problems" and it refused to go away, and it took a lot of energy of course.

but from the day I started to eat this Onaka filmjölk it has changed, and in the beginning if I missed one day "it" came back.
so now I am fine and eat it now and then and my stomach is feeling alive and well.
the great thing is that this Onaka is also very tasty!
there are three flavours: natural, green tea and my favourite ginger wich is slightly sweetend with honey.


anyway, I just wanted to recommend it if anyone have stomach problems, maybe the famous "Delhi belly" or similar ha ha.
try Onaka, but do it continuesly for a while to balance up your inner health.
it is so importent to have a healthy innre body and in your stomach also they say lies your immune defence...


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