namaste - I bow to the divine in you

Alla inlägg under mars 2010

Av fredrik binette - 19 mars 2010 13:02

just letting yogis & yoginis that are interested know that today I changed products underneath "SALE" in my yoga insipired web shop
- / swedish yoga gear -


 yogastraps - coloured

sterling silver pendant "aum"

yogabag "kali"

organic herbal bath bags

yogapants "sattva"

3mm ecofriendly TPE yogamat


AUM Shanti

Av fredrik binette - 18 mars 2010 17:23

today for some reason I just had this feeling..
why do I and many others have so difficult to feel satisfied.
and now I mean in many ways.
I just felt like selling "all my possessions" [wich is not that much ha ha] and use what ever money I get to do something better with it.

I saw this tv-show today about this asian family that has somekind of desease that makes them gradualy blind, and they know that most of them will be blind, and many of them were already.
and on top of this they had some familyu members that were deaf and one was mute. so they actually had problems to communicate since the deaf/mute did sign language and the ones who were totally blind couldn see the signs, and if the blind talked the deaf of course couldn't hear.
but they were happy, and they lived life and un-selfishly helped each others.

it is strange, we are so spoiled and find problems in superficial things.
we have it so good, and still are far from satisfied.
you might be sad that your mobile is broken, but is that really importent?


 I guess we get numb, there is so much unjustice all over, we see so many things daily so it feels unreal or feels like "yeah well, that is how it is"..
but [if not Hindu or buddhist etc and believe totally in samsara - the wheel of rebirth] the truth is that we dont choose our family, we dont choose where we are born etc.
but many of us do have a choice, we kan decide to change our life, our way of thinking etc.
that has not got much to do with the actuall society we have around us.


 it is so hard, I can feel sad for people who have had less luck in where they were born or such things, at the same time I can somehow envy them for being many times happy with what they got, and the way they apprechiate basic things in life that we take for granted, or things we dont even react over.


 I just fell helpless and also sometimes feel ungrateful for at least not realizing the luck I have had, and that all my what ever problems is not importent.

but there are to many things so usually we think we cant do anything about this world, it has already gone to far so we give up and just keep on living our regilar life where we are quit greedy actually, not for us in a huge way but if compare to what others have we are truly greedy to for example having to go another coffe place because that brand has a slightly better flavour of their espresso ha ha.

   I dont know, today is one of thoose days where I just think to myself - what am I doing here? maybe I should e somewhere else doing something really importentn instead?

to be positive though, one major fact is that one of the major things for me being a yoga teacher is to know and to hear how yoga affects so many that comes to my classes.
that does in one way make me feel like I am in some way making something better for someone that probably needs it. instead of just offering something superstitious in a shop that to be honest you really dont need.

but we live in a world of consuming.

according to hinduism we live in kali yuga, wich is the last and worst of life periods,
a period when we degenerate and I think all will finally disolve or get destroyed so that then it can start over again on the first stage, wich most likely dont include human beings he he.

Av fredrik binette - 17 mars 2010 08:51

today is wednesday already, and yesterday my body started to slowly feel normal again. probably slowly now my regular movement pattern is comming back, some tensions losens up and some muscle groups are defending less so they relax..


this upcomming sunday we have our "lecture" with Chembal Lama, the buddhist monk that is in Sweden for a month to visit.
he has been a monk since he was 10 years old.
there has not been to much interest from people to come and meet him, I find it quit strange, for me it is gonna be very interesting to see him and hear him talk about their mission to help the less fortunate in the north of Nepal, he is gonna talk also some about how it is to live in this area "Humla" wich is also one of the worlds most remote places in the world

I am looking forward to it : )

if you havent noticed he is here, and reads this and you want to come and meet & listen to Chembal, just send me an e-mail to

the hour is free, and we have this collection jar where you can give a donation to their organization KMCH if you want to

the other day I got another confirmation, so now I am booked to lead this 1-day yoga workshop in Norrtälje, that is gonna be fun to meet new people to inspire them some and hopefully they will learn a few things aswell.

Av fredrik binette - 15 mars 2010 18:59

he he today I had an appointment with my chiropractor, I had almost like a small wryneck. it came when I slipped sligtly on the super slippery ice we have now on our sidewalks. just a tiny jerk with my head and the muscles "cramped", it felt very weird but it went rather deep.

so this happend last week, and during this weekend I got some massage from my partner and it helped a lot, and also I have done some light stretching.

as I have written earlier I have had a strange "pain" in my shoulder, just in some movements and it has felt almost like inflamed sometimes and all the way along the collarbone towards the neck.
nad also I have felt an feeling like my neck is more unstable in a strange way.
so probably my 2 month shoulder issue have afectde the neck and finally the defense kicked in when that small jerk came because I went just over what that part of my body hade energy to "fight".

so, my chiropractor said to me that basicly I had a (joint?) lock at the end of the collarbone [the clavicle] wich connects in the shoulder area, that make sence since the pain in the collarbone aswell, the feeling of strained muscle etc.
and he said some things tha could have provoked this, and I am kind of sure what it was he he.
so then he "unlocked it" and some other things that had joint locked aswell since my whole movement schedule has changed to avoid the pain I felt.

so now I looked around on the internet, and i found some parts that I think were spots where I have felt a sore feeling and it seams they have tendoin or ligament connections with the collarbone, so even more makes sence he he.
mostly I think!, it has affected a lot my functionality of the rotator cuff and also the mobility of the shoulderblade.


so I hope now the next few days it wil start to feel much better, so I will try to do some things to get circulation etc without straining these parts, so it slowly builds up and finds it normal behaviour again : )

I should defenetly take a anathomy course since I think it is so interesting!

Av fredrik binette - 13 mars 2010 22:40

today I had my first SPA face treatment...
we have talked about doing this for a while, and of course it is good for me to know more what it is all about when so many come to "A" for SPA treatments at our studio
buddha spa

my god! the "blackhead" cleansing, it is not even funny ha ha
probably it is less uncomfortable if you get use to it, but not anything I do on a regular basis..

the "buddha spa classic" started with a back massage wich makes you calm down a bit, get into the right mood.
then it continued with face massage with some creams/gels or something and during this I got some nice warm steam on my face, interesting and a very tropical feeling with that humidity.

then the pore cleansing... : ( ha ha

"A" says she knows it is a bit uncomfortable, and many just do it quickly to make customer more relaxed, but as with all things "A" would never settle for "ok", she is picky and really cleans your face for best result.
so even if taking a bit more tim in this not that lovely part of the treatment afterwards your are very happy she did so..

..and after that she gave me a such a nice soothing gentle face massage with our own massage-oil that people like so much, I am though kind of used to it since it is also the aroma we have in our incense.

then she put a grenn calming & antiseptic ayurvedic Neem mask on my face to "calm it down" even more.
I am not sure but I think it was actually my first face mask ever.
a very nice feeling.

ok to be fair it is not optimal to have a beard doing this treatment, 
"A" laughed some and said I looked kind of funny with the green mask in the beard ha ha.
then she softly rinced my face with cotton pads dipped in warm water..

for a guy not to much experienced in this field I have to say you actually feel much more "fresh" afterwards, and the word is smooth..

so... I do actually recommend this for the guys ut there that dares..
it is much about understanding the actuall effect of it, not feeling like it is a female thing only, although I do know now why & how so many girls have such a nice skin

Av fredrik binette - 12 mars 2010 11:43

ooh I forgot to say yesterday when I cooked my indian meals, I got to use my new homemade ghee.
my buddha spa partner "A" actually made some for me the other day,
she is so "homely" and likes cooking etc.
lovely for me to have that kind of a compagnion he he

ghee is "clarified butter" and dont need to be stored in a refridgerator,
as long as it is in an air tight jar or something.
it is mainly used in India for cooking and also somethimes in religous rituals [aarti etc]

it makes the whole cooking experience feel more authentic somehow : )


 so I wanna say thank you "A" for the lovely ghee I got : )

Av fredrik binette - 11 mars 2010 21:33

today is my "day of", wich means I have a morning class 06.45 in the morning, but after that I am free, so the day feels quit long..
I like the morning class, it is a quit small group and there is a special vibe in the morning, a nice calmness from participants & from the life outdoors.
now it is getting brighter in hte morning so I thing slowly probably a few more are gonna come to the morning class, but we will see..

I have had theese thoughts to have maybe a month totally tv free, so I am thinking about that again.. maybe I wil end up even more time by the computer wich I dont want to, but my hope is that I start read more instead, I have a urge to read but I almost never do it, so strange.
you fall into the everyday habits of computer & tv, also I do teach a fw evening classes and come home a bit late.
I feel now that it is also time to get up earlier and that it is easier since the more bright mornings : )
the plan is to get a new morning routine, and I am working on it and preparing but it takes a bit to much time, I am just pushing it forward I think he he
instead of just doing it!
we allways want to start "our new life on monday" ha ha

today I made some indianfood at home, that was nice.
I like the simple ones, so I did a chana masala [chickpee curry] and a dhal of red lentils.
and then I bought some arabina pita bread to enjoyt hte food with.
I got about 3 extra portions to put into the freezer so I can eat that another day.

now I am sipping my own herbal/spice yogi tea "apple cinnamon" blend and are soon of to bed I think..   

Av fredrik binette - 9 mars 2010 10:05

I have to say that yesterday was a happy day in many ways.
the main thing is of course the fact that we [buddha spa] will get a visit from a monk from Nepal. We feel truly thankful about this and I hope many of our friends, members/customers, yoga practitioners etc will take the chance to come and listen to Chambal Lama
the talk is free but we hope you will give them some support by donating some money for their cause.
Chembal Lama is the founder of KMCH - Kailash Manasarovar Children of Humla and he will be in Sweden in mars with help of the swedish KMCH support group.
..and he will come to us for a relaxed talk/lecure on sunday the 21st for an hour or so to talk about this region "Humla" and the work they do to help & support the children of this part of Nepal. 
Humla is the poorest and most remote region in their country, situated in the Himalayas, in the far northwest.

The aim of the KMCH organization is primarily to provide the children of Humla with education and health care. 
They believe that the best way to improve the life for the children is through education and knowledge.

Chembal Lama has been a monk since 10 years old in that area.

also yesterday we managed to finnish almost all new SPA treatments and re-organize them, so that feels like a relief aswell.
now they are up on the site to : )

while reading my e-mail yesterday another pleasent e-mail had come.
I was asked if I could do a 1 day workshop at a beautifull yoga studio in the Norrtälje area.
so I hope we can make it happend, that would be very nice.

I feel very thankful for being asked to come to them, and I allways love to inspire new people that are interested in the yogic world,
and on top of this it will probably be in the same period when my yogini friend is here for a visit from Singapore, so maybe they can get a chance to experience a international class in Integral Yoga within this workshop as a bonus..

so I will think about details and then we have to agreee on date, fee, schedule etc.

on top of all this we got sunshine.. they say spring is comming so I hope they are right.
it is truly beautiful right now when the sky is clear blue, the sun beams are making the snow sparkle like crystals and the air feels fresh.
but... I am still longing for the green grass and the days when no real shoes are necessary any more.
I wish I could be barefoot all the time ha ha

peace & out

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